அரசு கலைக் கல்லூரி, தருமபுரி


Accredited by NAAC B++ Grade, Affiliated to Periyar University, Salem-11
(Recognized Under Section 2(f) & 12(B) of UGC Act 1956)
Dharmapuri-636 705, Tamilnadu, India

National Service Scheme, Government Arts College, Dharmapuri – 5
S.No Activity Venue Date No. of Participants
1 100% vote right pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.04.2021 600
2 International Yoga Day webinar GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 21.06.2021 95
3 Abolition of Drug Speech competition  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 22.06.2021 86
4 Corona Vaccination special camp  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 07.07.2021 400
5 Netaji's Birthday GAC, DHARMAPURI - 6 27.07.2021 45
6 Anti-Ragging and Abolition of Drug GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 30.07.2021 85
7 YouTube Video creation GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.08.2021 1
8 Free mask Distribution GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.08.2021 400
9 75th Independence Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 6 15.08.2021 450
10 Humanitarian Day Pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 7 19.08.2021 350
11 Independence Day nun GAC, DHARMAPURI - 7 21.08.2021 120
12 Rainwater Harvesting GAC, DHARMAPURI - 8 21.08.2021 80
13 New India @ 75 Campaign COLLECTORATE, DHARMAPURI-5 25.08.2021 3
14 Palm seeding GUDOOR, DHARMAPURI. 29.08.2021 100
15 2021 UG Admission  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 31.08.2021 404
16 Fit India Run GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 04.09.2021 200
17 Teachers Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 05.09.2021 100
18 Village vaccination Camp KONDAGARAHALLI, DHARMAPURI-5 12.09.2021 100
19 Social Justice day pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 17.09.2021 600
20 AIDS Awareness  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 20.09.2021 400
21 NSS Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 24.09.2021 250
22 Rain Water harvesting Drawing compt. GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 24.09.2021 172
23 Corona Awareness pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.10.2021 1000
24 First year students Guiding GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 09.10.2021 800
25 Youth Awakening Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 13.10.2021 500
26 Dr.A.P.J.Abdul kalam Birth anniversary GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 15.10.2021 200
27 Clean India Campaign-Plastic Collection GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 23.10.2021 400
28 Demo of Fire Extinguisher GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 28.10.2021 600
29 National Unity Day pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 01.11.2021 1000
30 Blood Donation  GH, DHARMAPURI - 1 10.11.2021 6
31 Anti Sexual Harassment GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 22.11.2021 500
32 Indian Constitution Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 26.11.2021 250
33 World AIDS day Awareness pledge COLLECTORATE, DHARMAPURI-5 01.12.2021 450
34 World AIDS day Awareness Seminar GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 03.12.2021 500
35 Dr.Ambedkhar Death Anniversary GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.12.2021 400
36 Cyber Crime Awareness  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 09.12.2021 800
37 Human Rights Day pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 10.12.2021 700
38 Corona Awareness  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 13.12.2021 400
39 Anti-Ragging Awareness GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 23.12.2021 900
40 Blow 18 age Corona vaccination Camp GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 06.01.2022 300
42 National Girl Children Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 24.01.2022 400
43 National voters Day Pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 25.01.2022 400
44 Republic Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 26.01.2022 200
45 Leprosy Eradication awareness Pledge GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 31.01.2022 200
46 Rain water Harvesting Seminar GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 02.03.2022 200
47 Cultural Folk Dance  GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 04.03.2022 400
48 National Women's Day GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 08.03.2022 1000
49 Blood Donation awareness Seminar GAC, DHARMAPURI - 5 19.03.2022 450